Monday, December 22, 2014

Rediscover North America

This is a trip you won’t want to miss following. The group of six depart the Gulf of Mexico on 2 January, paddle up the Mississippi, and just keep going for 5,200 miles until they hit the Arctic Ocean. This is a huge trip, but lets be fair. These guys, except one (who missing checking off just one box), are young, fit, athletic, more experienced than most people that have been at voyaging for a lifetime, plus not even mentioning that they were the winners of the Canoe and Kayak Expedition of the Year Award last year for their Trans-Canada trip. You can pretty much check this trip off before they even begin. Done! Still, the route is bound to bring some surprises and a lot of adventure. If, however, you’d like to learn how to do this sort of thing successfully, just watch these guys.

For a good overview, read the article from the St. Cloud Times at this link:

Then follow the blog at:

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