Friday, September 19, 2014

Dory Repair - Final

Since you were all good enough to follow me through the repair process, here are some pictures of the finished job. 

Here's the Cape Dory 14 with full sail set.  We had a very, very rare day of light breezes for working on the rig.  This picture was taken without a downhaul, which I provided for below, and hopefully that will take some of the wrinkles out of the sail.

The sail with the brailing line holding the sail and rig out of the way for rowing, beaching, docking, or any other non-sailing occasion.  I left the brailing line tail long enough so that without the need for another line, the tail of the brailing line just passes back through the tack and serves as a downhaul.

Both cleats, with both lines made off and the foredeck clear.  While it would involve getting the extra line out of the way before using either the halyard or brailing line, there's still room for even the bow line to be coiled and hung there.

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