Monday, July 1, 2013

Painted Prairie

South and west of the Glass Mountains in Northwest Oklahoma is an area locally known as the Painted Prairie, a collection of buttes and mesas. These are reportedly formed by up-thrusting tectonic activity, and the resistance of the different rock layers to erosion by wind and water create their unique shapes. Because of either size or unique shape, some were used as landmarks for explorers, miners, and settlers moving west.

In usage, the terms become confused, but geographers define a mesa as a hill with flat top whose width exceeds its height. As erosion continues, and the sides wear away. First the table becomes smaller than its height, then the flat top gets smaller and smaller, eventually appearing to be little more than a button, or even a point or peak. It’s not something worth getting a headache over, beyond mesas being bigger and flatter than buttes. Oh, for the nature enthusiast, it’s supposed to be great country for hunting rattlesnakes. Watch where you’re walking.
Here's one with just a button left on top.  There was one where
the cap had gotton so small, it broke off and slid down the side
of the hill.  This is called Teepee Mountain.
Teepee Mountain with the ubiquitous Oklahoma oil well.
The Chevrolet Oklalhoma Edition.


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