Friday, March 1, 2013

St. Johns River - Day 10

The next day would be my last for this trip. I paddled from Hatbill to Jolly Gator Fish Camp, at the Rt. 46 bridge, and saw three more snakes and a few more gators, making the total 281. The distance was 13.5 miles. More importantly, the right leg was acting up again. I had jumped the gun and returned to the river too soon. Jean came down to Jolly Gator for lunch, and to pick me up yet again. The final numbers are:

281 alligators
5 snakes
Birds in the millions.
111.2 miles paddled
1397.3 miles to Florida
1388 during return
1257.5 miles in shuttle and local travel while in Florida.

There were a number of occasions such as this.  The birds would fill the
air, and there'd still be as many or more on the ground.
A Great Blue Heron with an Ibis fly-over.
American White Pelicans

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