Below the large dam that creates Lake Lawtonka, Medicine Creek
spills over a few other dams forming beautiful pools, this one for
fishing, others for swimming.
Medicine Park was opened officially
as Oklahoma’s first planned resort on the 4th of July, 1908, by
future senator, Elmer Thomas. As a young
lawyer in 1906, he decided that while the new lake provided a reliable source
of water for the new town of Lawton, the surrounding thousands of square miles
of prairie needed a recreational area.
The new resort started with a swimming hole in the creek below the dam,
a few campsites, and a large surplus army tent with a wood floor where meals
could be served. In four years, it grew
to include two inns for meals, lodging and dancing, a health sanitarium, tennis
courts, spa, bath house, petting zoo, general store, a school, bait shop,
electric plant, and the Dam Café. The
army tent was replaced by the Outside Inn, a three-story red cobblestone
building erected in 1910. It would be
the focal point of the town, had a couple other names during its history, and
would later be renamed the Old Plantation.
Medicine Park was billed as the “Jewel of the Southwest.” The area along
the creek became the Bath Lake Park with landscaped walkways, gardens, swimming
and sunbathing area, and bridges across the creek. Crowds flocked to the community from
throughout Oklahoma and North Texas.

A cluster of wild aster defy logic to find a home among large
red boulders.
After his surrender in 1886,
Geronimo and his band of Apache braves were shipped by boxcar to Florida, where
they were imprisoned for eight years.
Geronimo was held at Fort Pickens, Pensacola, and his followers and
their families were sent on to Fort Marion at St. Augustine. Geronimo later joined the others at Fort
Marion as well. In 1894, Geronimo was
relocated to Fort Sill, and was baptized in the Methodist faith in Medicine
Creek on July 1st, 1903. He
died of pneumonia on Feb., 17, 1909, and is buried in the Apache cemetery at
Fort Sill.
The red cobblestones from Mount Scott provide a seemingly
endless supply of building materials. A beautiful, new home
across Medicine Creek uses just a sampling of the rocks.
While Elmer Thomas operated his resources
in Medicine Park with strict guidelines, he decided to sell the lodge to
finance his campaign for senator. The
main floor of the Outside Inn remained a restaurant and dance hall, but the
upstairs became where the ‘pretty girls’ conducted business, and a whiskey
still and gambling room found their way to the basement. It was even rumored that tunnels were built
for the escape of those that didn’t want to be found. Everyone came to Medicine Park throughout the
Roaring 20’s and into the 1930’s. It
became the playground for the elite, the rich, famous, the notorious, and for outlaws,
horse thieves, and politicians alike. Some
of the names of those known to visit were Frank Phillips, founder of Phillips
Petroleum; Will Rogers; Wiley Post; Bob Wills, the King of Western Swing and
the Texas Playboys; Al Capone; Bonnie and Clyde; Pretty Boy Floyd; Lil Hardin,
the 2nd wife of Louis Armstrong, and Her Swing Orchestra; Jack
Abernathy, the nation’s youngest U.S. Marshal; Les Brown; and Roy Rogers and
Dale Evans.

Many different ducks and geese find a home in the
beautiful surroundings.