Airboats along the shore at the Hatbill Group Camping site.
One of the things that impressed me was that they had just
organized this group about three weeks before. They had a
huge potluck and freshly caught fish cooked over a wood fire.
They take great care of their airboats. The engines are as clean and chromed
as any you'd find at a car show.
Click to enlarge. Really nice even if you're not a gearhead.
You never know what you'll meet out in the swamp, so almost all carried a
shotgun. Some had two, one on either side of the seat.
There's no reverse, so they all come ashore, spin around, and pick
a spot where they can just slide off into the water.
The last airboat leaves as sunset is approaching.

Alone as the shadows deepen at Hatbill. It's time to put dinner on the stove.
An old slab of concrete made a nice, level spot for the tent. Jean said it looks
like Ibi's hind-end is sticking up in the air. It is; she's still on the canoe cart.